Nyungnay Purification Retreat | 14-15 April

On this special retreat we will spend two days with thousand-armed (eleven-faced) Avalokiteshvara – ‘Mahakaruna’ – the nature of our Guru’s great compassion. This will involve making exquisite offerings, praises and prostrations and thereby accumulating huge merit, purifying vast negativity for ourself and others and receiving the most powerful blessing to propel ourself swiftly along our path to enlightenment.

Practiced in conjunction with Mahayana Precepts, Nyungnay involves fasting and making three sessions of prostrations, with the sadhana ‘Drop of Essential Nectar‘, over two days. Usually the second day is accompanied by a full fast, although strongly recommended, this is not compulsory.

Everyone is welcome to join us for this special retreat.

  • DATE

    Monday 14 – Tuesday 15 April 2025


    Suitable for those with some experience of Kadampa Buddhist practices and faith in the Three Jewels.


    Madhyamaka KMC
    Kilnwick Percy Hall
    YO42 1UF

    Free parking onsite


    From £20 non-residential (meals not included).

    Free for standard and benefactor members.  Booking in advance essential.

    The price for residential guests includes three nights (Sunday, Monday & Tuesday) and all meals from Sunday supper to Wednesday breakfast.

    We currently cater for vegetarian or vegan diets. If you have other preferences or dietary requirements please contact us before your visit. Thank you.


Monday 14 April
6.30-7am Mahayana Precepts
7.00 – 8.15am  Session 1
10 – 11.15am  Session 2
4 – 5.15pm  Session 3
Tuesday 15 April
6.30-7am Mahayana Precepts
7.00 – 8.15am  Session 1
10 – 11.15am  Session 2
3 – 4.15pm  Session 3
7 – 9pm  Offering to the Spiritual Guide prayers
