Join us for a working visit at Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre in the beautiful Yorkshire Wolds. What we have to offer is varied and provides a perfect opportunity to experience the warm and friendly Buddhist way of life first hand. Enjoy the tranquil environment, perfect for meditation, contemplation and a break away.
Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre
Kilnwick Percy Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 1UF
There are two main ways to volunteer at Madhyamaka KMC: on a regular basis if you live locally, or on a Volunteering Visit if you live further afield.
See below for more information about each option.
Volunteering visit
In exchange for 25 hours work a week (spread over five days), you receive: seven days free accommodation, three vegetarian meals a day, full use of all the centre’s facilities and free attendance at meditation classes during your stay. It is also a unique opportunity to meet and work alongside members of the residential community and to find out more about the Buddhist way of life.
The minimum visit requirement is 2 weeks.
Help is needed in a variety of different areas – such as cafe, maintenance, gardens, household and cleaning, and are a great way to have fun and make new friends!
Accommodation is in either male or female dorm.

“By working to improve and organise a Dharma Centre, we are working for all living beings and we are practising offering happiness to others”
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso – our founder
Local non-residential volunteers
Madhyamaka KMC can only benefit others with the kindness and support of volunteers and you are welcome to spend time volunteering.
Even a small amount of time can make an enormous difference and is lots of fun! Hours are totally flexible around your schedule – you can volunteer as little or as often as your life allows.
- Gardening
- Handyman / maintenance
- World Peace Cafe
- Household / laundry

To find out about volunteering opportunities available,
please email: volunteeringvisits@madhyamaka.org
or call: 01759 304832
Volunteering offers
- Full training
- Becoming a part of a supportive, friendly community
- A chance to learn new skills and use your free time in a meaningful way
- The peace of a Kadampa Meditation Centre

We are a Volunteer-led Organisation
Madhyamaka KMC is a non-profit organisation, relying strongly on the efforts of our volunteers.

It doesn’t matter how small a task may seem, each contribution of your time is immensely meaningful.
Everyone is welcome to volunteer. You don’t need special skills or experience.
You can offer as little or as much time as you like. Each and every hour of volunteering counts.