York – Tuesday evening meditation classes

Living in the Moment | 7 – 8:15pm | 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th of November | with Richard Brown

We often find ourselves wasting our lives worrying about what might or might not happen, and failing to appreciate what we have in the present. On this 4-week course, we will learn meditations that enable us to recognise and unlock our unique capacity as human beings for spiritual growth.

By contemplating our human potential, we will awaken great spiritual energy and the power to eradicate our habitual negative minds and preoccupation with trivialities of this life. In this way, we can learn how to seize the day and make our lives truly meaningful, for both ourselves and others.

This course is suitable for everyone, from complete beginners to experienced meditators.

Everyone welcome!



Richard Brown is a highly experienced teacher who has been practising Kadam Buddhism for many years.

He has a wealth of meditation and teaching experience, and is appreciated for his clear and practical approach to explaining how to apply Buddha’s wisdom to our daily lives.

Guided breathing meditation

Practical teaching

Second guided meditation based on the teaching

Optional Q&A session after the class


The Friends Meeting House

Friargate, York YO1 9RL