Tuesday meditation class | 7pm – 8.15pm | with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang 

Breaking Bad Habits | 7 – 8.15pm | January 14th, 21st & 28th | with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang 

Many of us have habits we want to break – ways of thinking and behaving that cause problems for ourself and others.

Buddha taught that all our negative states of mind are just bad mental habits, and like all habits they can be broken. Just as it is possible to separate mud from water, so it is possible to eliminate all our unhelpful habits from our mind.

On this short course we will learn meditations that help us to recognize and replace even our most stubborn habits with profoundly beneficial ways of thinking that lead to peace and inner freedom.

This course is suitable for everyone, from complete beginners to experienced meditators.

Everybody Welcome

4th, 11th, 18th & 25th February | with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang

The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful we will be free from worries and mental discomfort, and eventually we will be able to stay calm and positive in any situation.

This four-week course will introduce techniques for developing a successful meditation practice that can transform our daily life. By doing this we will gradually develop the power to transform any difficult situation into an opportunity for spiritual growth.

About the class

£14 / 2-week course  / £21 / 3-week course / £28 /  4-week course if you pre-book online or £10 / pay at the door when you drop in.

Free for members

Our Tuesday evening classes are suitable for those new to meditation as well as those who wish to take their existing practice deeper. The classes consist of two guided meditations and a teaching with an opportunity to ask questions at the end. 

Available for livestream (not catch-up) for members only on request.

Please note that pre-bookings are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to future classes or series of classes.


Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre
Kilnwick Percy Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 1UF

Free parking is available on site.
