
A precious opportunity for in-depth study with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, the National Spiritual Director of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and South Africa.

Teacher Training Programme takes place two evenings per week, with practical teachings, vibrant discussion, and a beautiful environment for retreats.

You too are welcome to come and join us at Madhyamaka KMC and become part of this group of sincere practitioners receiving the guidance and inspiration of Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang.



    Mondays 7-9pm

    Thursdays 7-9pm

    Class dates:

    January 27th and 30th

    February 3rd, 6th (discussion), 10th (OSG), 13th, 17th, 20th and 24th (discussion).

    March 3rd, 6th, 10th (OSG), 13th, 17th, 20th, 24th (discussion), 27th and 31st (teaching skills).

    Weekend retreats:

    21-23 February: Guru Yoga & Mandala Offering Retreat

    21-23 March: Refuge Retreat

    2-4 May: Guru Yoga & Mandala Offering Retreat


    Suitable for anyone wishing to deepen their study and practice of Buddha’s teachings and who wishes to become a qualified teacher of Kadampa Buddhism.


    Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre
    Kilnwick Percy Hall, Pocklington,
    York, YO42 1UF

    Free parking onsite


    £40 a month – includes free admission to many classes and events (details below)
    Please email us on and we will arrange for you to attend a free ‘taster session’

Teacher Training Programme (TTP), offers practitioners of Kadampa Buddhism the opportunity to study deeply, gain practical experience of both Sutra and Tantra. Also, if they wish, to train to become qualified Dharma Teachers. It’s not just for those who wish to teach formally though, because we all teach through our example and the advice we give to friends and family.  TTP gives us great confidence in our own practice and in our ability to explain Kadam Dharma to others.

The programme consists of a dynamic combination of teachings, meditations, discussion and teaching skills classes providing a multi-faceted approach to the development of authentic spiritual experience.

Students on the programme are required to observe several commitments.  Namely to keep good discipline, attend all the teaching and discussion classes as well as sit examinations. Students are also encouraged to participate in regular meditation retreats that will be scheduled throughout the year.

All Resident Teachers of Kadampa Centres follow this in-depth programme of study and practice.

There are three reasons why we need to study and practice the teachings of Buddha – to develop our wisdom, to cultivate a good heart and to maintain a peaceful state of mind:

Develop wisdom
If we do not strive to develop our wisdom we will always remain ignorant of ultimate truth – the true nature of reality. Although we wish for happiness, our ignorance leads us to engage in non-virtuous actions, which are the main cause of all our suffering.

Cultivate a good heart
If we do not cultivate a good heart, our selfish motivation destroys harmony and good relationships with others. We have no peace, and no chance to gain pure happiness. Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible.

Maintain a peaceful state of mind
If we do not maintain a peaceful state of mind we are not happy even if we have ideal conditions. On the other hand, when our mind is peaceful we are happy even if our external conditions are unpleasant.

The purpose of the Teacher Training Program (TTP) is to provide an extensive presentation of particular subjects of Mahayana Buddhism to enable practitioners to deepen their knowledge and experience of Buddhism, and to train as qualified Teachers of Modern Buddhism.


The program comprises the following twelve subjects, based on Buddha’s Sutra and Tantra teachings and the corresponding commentaries by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso:

1. The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, based on the commentary Joyful Path of Good Fortune

2. Training the Mind, based on the commentaries Universal Compassion and The New Eight  Steps to Happiness

3. The Heart Sutra, based on the commentary The New Heart of Wisdom

4. Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, based on the commentary Meaningful to Behold

5. Types of Mind, based on the commentary How to Understand the Mind

6. Guide to the Middle Way, based on the commentary Ocean of Nectar

7. Vajrayana Mahamudra, based on the commentary Clear Light of Bliss

8. The Bodhisattva’s Moral Discipline, based on the commentary The Bodhisattva Vow

9. Offering to the Spiritual Guide, based on the commentaries Great Treasury of Merit and Mahamudra Tantra

10. Vajrayogini Tantra, based on the commentary The New Guide to Dakini Land

11. Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra, based on the commentary Tantric Grounds and Paths

12. The Practice of Heruka Body Mandala, based on the commentary Essence of Vajrayana


The Teacher Training Program takes approximately twelve years to complete and requires an enrolment procedure.

The Next Book We Are Studying

From APRIL 2024

The New Guide to Dakini Land

Vajrayogini is a female enlightened Deity of Highest Yoga Tantra, a manifestation of all Buddha’s wisdom. By engaging in the Tantric practice of Vajrayogini under the guidance of a qualified Spiritual Guide, sincere practitioners can completely purify their body, speech and mind and attain a state of full enlightenment, the ultimate goal of human life.

This comprehensive guide provides a detailed and practical explanation of the two stages of Vajrayogini practice – generation stage and completion stage – and shows how we can integrate these practices into our daily life, thereby transforming every moment of our life into the path to enlightenment. It is a unique guide to becoming a Tantric enlightened being in the modern world.

The New Guide to Dakini Land is a revised version of Venerable Geshe Kelsang’s original book Guide to Dakini Land.

The programme is taught by our Resident Teacher, Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang.

Gen-la is a highly experienced, well-respected Teacher and has been a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 30 years.

She is also the National Spiritual Director of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and South Africa and teaches at National Festivals and Dharma Celebrations.

She has won the admiration and affection of many students throughout the world through her pure example and loving-kindness. Her teachings are powerful and clear.
