Saturday 26 April | 9.30am – 1pm | with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang

This half day course will explore how we can free ourselves from unhelpful and limiting ways of looking at our own past. Although we sometimes want to move on in life, we often feel stuck. Something is holding us back. It can even feel wrong to move on: from a loss, from a past relationship, from being hurt or damaged or from something we did wrong. We can feel like we are chained to the past, rather than looking forward to our future.

Gen-la Kunsang will encourage us to break the chains of guilt, resentment and disappointment, and will introduce meditations to inspire us to move forward in a way which is positive, realistic and joyful.


    9.30am-1pm | Saturday 26th April


    Suitable for beginners or those with some experience of meditation


    Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre

    Kilnwick Percy Hall


    East Riding of Yorkshire

    YO42 1UF

    Free parking available on site


    £15 advance online booking or £20 on the door.

    Course is free for standard and benefactor members


9-9.30am Registration

9.30-10.45am Teaching & Meditation

10.45-11.45am Refreshments

11.45am-1pm Teaching & Meditation


Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang is highly experienced, well-respected and has been a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 30 years.

She is also the National Spiritual Director of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and South Africa and teaches at National Festivals and Dharma Celebrations.

She has won the admiration and affection of many students throughout the world through her pure example and loving-kindness. Her teachings are powerful and clear.