Meditation can be practiced by anyone and has many temporary and long term benefits including:
- Improved concentration and focus in daily life
- Less stress, worry & anxiety
- Reduced irritation, anger & frustration
- Greater inner peace & happiness
- Increased confidence & self-esteem
- Improved mental and physical well being
- A positive outlook on life & better relationships
Meditation retreats provide practical advice for the problems of modern living. They are also an opportunity to learn how to view everyday situations in the most beneficial and constructive way leading to greater happiness for yourself and others.
“When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within. If we train in meditation our mind will gradually become more and more peaceful, and we shall experience a purer and purer form of happiness. Eventually, we will be able to stay happy all the time, even in the most difficult circumstances.” – Geshe Kelsang Gyatso